
Harrington on teaching standards

R.R. Harrington
New Standards for Teaching Middle School Science: Now That We Have Them, What Do We Do?
Journal of Research in Rural Education, 13:1, 37-46 (Spring 1997).


Steinberg, Wittmann, Redish - mathematical tutorials

R.N. Steinberg, M.C. Wittmann, E.F. Redish,
Mathematical Tutorials In Introductory Physics
Sample class, in The Changing Role Of Physics Departments In Modern University, AIP Conference Proceedings 399 (AIP, 1997) 1075-1092.

Harrington and Prather on Descriptive Physics

R.R. Harrington and E.E. Prather
Using an Introductory Physics Course to Train Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers
Contributed Poster, in The Changing Role Of Physics Departments In Modern University, AIP Conference Proceedings 399 (AIP, 1997) 797-799.