
Springuel, Thompson, and Wittmann on cluster analysis of vector representations

Springuel, R.P., Thompson, J.R., and Wittmann, M.C.
Applying clustering to statistical analysis of student reasoning about two-dimensional kinematics

We use clustering, an analysis method not presently common to the physics education research community, to group and characterize student responses to written questions about two-dimensional kinematics. Previously, clustering has been used to analyze multiple-choice data; we analyze free-response data that includes both sketches of vectors and written elements. The primary goal of this paper is to describe the methodology itself; we include a brief overview of relevant results.

URL: http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRSTPER/v3/e020107
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.3.020107
PACS: 01.40.Fk, 01.40.gf